Photos & Musings

Observations and Encounters of Daily Life - while armed with an iPhone

Slow Down

Street Art on Bell Street near the intersection with Ging Street near the former Campbell School in Sandusky.

No doubt the cars speed down this one way street between Hayes Avenue and Campbell Street much the same way they speed down the one way street going the other direction between Columbus Avenue and Hayes Avenue. The kids who live on the corner have the right idea and even tried to elongate the letters in S-L-O-W D-O-W-N to make it easier for speeding drivers to read. I think where they made their mistake was in not bolding the letters a bit for an easier read and in not reversing the words so that drivers would first see the S-L-O-W before then approaching the D-O-W-N.

But they definitely get an “A” for effort. I hope they managed to get at least one or two speeders to reconsider their decisions…

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