This corner has an awful lot of marked parking spaces that I have never seen used over the past two decades. I’ve walked this area plenty of times in the past but never noticed this sign there before. I suppose I could have missed it, but it does look to be in fairly new condition – so I am going to assume it is a new addition. I always thought this was a public parking lot (even though there isn’t much in this area other than the residential properties you can see in the background). Across the street is a bakery – but it has its own employee parking lot one block to the north with barbed wire fencing and surveillance warning signs.
This particular lot has no restrictive fencing or any other indications that it is not intended for general use – other than this new sign that is. And that Ohio Revised Code reference at the bottom of the sign is the statute for Criminal Trespass!
I’ll be sure to not take a shortcut through here in the future! Let’s just say that I learned my lesson when the Sandusky PD stopped me a few years ago while I was walking along the railroad right-of-way by Campbell Street.