…Strong Finish
I don’t often post personal/created content here, but I had to make an exception in this case after the family and I had an afternoon of bowling thanks to the Knights of Columbus council #546. I bowl about once every 2-3 years on average, but have gone each of the past three years for this event. I’m not sure if I have ever broken 100 before. My bowling skills have infinite room for improvement.
But I somehow managed to pull a good one out of my bag to close out the afternoon. I remember specifically telling my wife after my first roll on the first frame knocked down a single pin and the score was 1-0-0 (with the other two not having rolled yet) that we should probably just end the game there.

Ironic that the other two players each rolled a strike in the first frame after I had the embarrassing 1 followed up by a respectable 8. Not a full spare pickup, but respectable…
The end result is far from a perfect game of 300, but for someone with my skill level – it is probably as close as I am ever going to see!