Photos & Musings

Observations and Encounters of Daily Life - while armed with an iPhone

Goose Step

Geese crossing Shoreline Drive in downtown Sandusky, Ohio.
Geese crossing Shoreline Drive in downtown Sandusky, Ohio.
Geese crossing Shoreline Drive in downtown Sandusky, Ohio.

As they often do, these geese decided to cross the street right in front of that car as it was driving down Shoreline Drive in downtown Sandusky. The driver patiently waited. It may be hard to see in the top photo, but one of the younger birds was either pretty tired or else totally defiant of Mama Goose and her morning stroll. He decided to just plop down right in the middle of the waiting driver’s lane for a rest. After a few horn beeps and no movement from the sitting goose, the opposing lane eventually cleared of the other slow moving geese and the driver was able to get on his way. You can see that the youngster continued his break, or protest, or defiance, or whatever he was doing long after the car drove off and apparently convinced his brothers and sisters to do the same!

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