Several years ago the NFL had a promotional commercial featuring the Eminem song “My Name Is” with video clips of various NFL players (and a coach) over the years named JOE. They had Joe Greene, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Joe Gibbs, Joe Theismann, and some others. That song and commercial was playing on repeat in my mind this afternoon at the SMCC game when I saw this fan wearing a Joe Haden jersey – it was a jersey themed school spirit day (you can see in the photo that even the cheerleaders wore SMCC Panther jerseys over their cheer uniforms) so all students were encouraged to wear sports jerseys.
I thought it was ironic that this fan wore a Cleveland Browns Joe Haden jersey – where he started his career, but he has been a member of their arch rival Pittsburgh Steelers since 2017 (and experienced a resurgence in his career since that change, I might add). Anyway – nice spirit supporting your team, regardless of whether the jersey is of a former player!