Photos & Musings

Observations and Encounters of Daily Life - while armed with an iPhone

Positive Message

Vehicle in Sandusky, Ohio offering a positive message: “I hope something good happens to you today.”

Bumper stickers and window decals are becoming more and more sarcastic and sometimes downright vulgar these days. I saw one recently that I couldn’t believe was legal and choose not to repeat here. The BMV will refuse to issue certain vanity plates, but you can print anything on a bumper sticker or window decal and slap it on your car.

I can handle and even appreciate the humorous and sarcastic ones, but the profanity sometimes goes a bit too far in my prudish opinion. I get that you view yourself as a bad@$$ and are proud to display something that would make a sailor blush to show just how rebellious you are with your bad self. But there are still young children and elderly grandma’s out there with innocence and sensitivities who don’t need to be exposed to your uncensored shock talk.

(Perhaps I am a hypocrite given that I found humor in this yard sign that I still laugh at when I think about it; but there is funny profanity and then there is obscenity.)

On Friday evening as I was delivering a few pizzas to a birthday party for my daughter, I came up behind this Ford with one of the best and simplest messages I have ever seen on the back window of a vehicle. Thank you driver/owner for your offering of hope. Something good did happen to me that day sharing a fun evening with my daughter and her friends at one of our local waterparks, and something tremendously good and life changing happened to me just a few days before! I hope that something good happens to the owner of this Ford for spreading positive thoughts on her daily commute. (The decal to the left says “Plant Mom” so I am going ‘out on a limb’ here to refer to the driver/owner as female).

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