Notice the mannequin wearing a cute sunflower dress as a few friends to her side model other sun dress options for prospective customers. I can understand the store’s motivation to accessorize the mannequin with a few nice necklace chains to maybe get an additional sale for the jewelry department. But if you look a little more closely at her neckline you can also see the unnatural way that the dress is hanging from her shoulders and the hanger resting comfortably on the back of her neck. Perhaps they had some trouble getting the mannequin to slip her arms into the shoulder straps? You may also notice the hint of a double bottom hemline at the front of her thighs. There is a reason for that and it has nothing to do with the styling of the dress itself.
Rather than worry about accessorizing her neckline with some jewelry, wouldn’t it have been a better use of time to detach her arms at the shoulders and put the dress on her that way?