Hadley, if you’re out there, I found your sunglasses. I have to say – I think the heart shaped lenses really were a bold choice. You must be looking everywhere for these!
I would have grabbed them for you and taken them to the Lost and Found. -Except that the Jackson Street Pier doesn’t have a Lost and Found… That and the fact that I really didn’t want to physically touch anything in here – despite the observation now that it really is a bit cleaner than many public restrooms around town. (Not that I frequent a lot of public restrooms…) The actual truth is that I was only in the toilet stall to tear off a few sheets of toilet paper so that I could exit the restroom with freshly washed hands without having to touch anything. Am I the only one who gets mad crazy with restroom blow dryers for your hands and no paper towels when you then have to grasp and twist a door handle to escape?
One other observation that I didn’t make until I wrote up this blog post = it looks like somebody (maybe it was Hadley) scrawled the John 3:16 reference on the stall wall. For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that all who believe in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.
God LOVED the world. Hadley’s HEART SHAPED sunglasses. It’s all coming together now…