Photos & Musings

Observations and Encounters of Daily Life - while armed with an iPhone

Fencing Duel

Chain link fence along the north side of Fifth Street in Sandusky.

I’m really confused as to who supplied and erected this chain link fence on Fifth Street. Maybe it was a team effort? Maybe one company came along after the fact trying to get an equal advertising opportunity and just attached their own sign? Maybe it was a competition/race between two different companies and this is where their two sections met? Maybe when they met, they each pulled out fencing foils and had a duel? Being a Steeler/Penguin/Pirate fan, my money is on the Black & Gold team.

– Maybe the spider spinning the web up above knows…

Also, as you can see, I had to actually hold the Adkins sign in place with my fingers to capture the photo. The left side fasteners were non-existent and gravity swung the sign around to the right blocking the front side from view. Regardless of what the ultimate explanation is, it’s fun to think of two fencing guys fencing for the prize to put up their signs.

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